Welcome to Kyiv City
The Conference will take place in Kyiv that is an attractive city of Ukraine situated in the heart of country on the banks of the Dnieper - one of the biggest river in Europe. The nearest and the most convenient Borispol airport is thirty minutes outside the city and has comfortable bus service. Kyiv is the city whose roots go down to the hoary past, with 1500-th year history. Over 1500 year, Kyiv has outlived much: it was destroyed and rose from the ashes again. This city has traversed a glorious road from a settlement of the Slavonic tribe to one of the largest European cities, which combines a great spirit of Kievan-Rus with centralization of many scientific centres, universities and institutes such as Institute of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Physics, Institute of Physical Chemistry. Coming to Kyiv from the Borispol airport you will see a grand Pecherska Lavra Monastery which was founded in 1051 by monks Antony and Feodosiy. Cupolas fit's churches rise up over the Dnieper hills and dominate the city. Pecherska Lavra is a cradle of Christianity in Kievan-Rus and still functioning monastery. Legendary St. Sophia Cathedral located in the centre of the city was built in the XI Century by the Prince Yaroslav the Wise. This sanctuary was constructed in the mage and likeness of the Constantinople St. Sophia's Cathedral. You could take a walk trough history into Ukrainian homes, barns, mills and wells typical for the XVIII-XIX Centuries and see marvellous landscapes of Ukrainian nature in Pirohovo Village which is an open air museum.
All about the city
Kyiv... This short word is associated with the city whose roots go down to the hoary past, the city with 1500-year history. For 1,500 years Kyiv has travesed a glorios road from a settlement of the Polyane Slavic tribe to one of the largest European cities, the capital of Ukraine. This site will be of interest both to Kyivans and visitors to the city.
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Kyiv University is an institution of higher education that trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out research. Although this description can be applied to any other institution of similar kind, Kyiv University enjoys a special status among the establishment of higher learning in Ukraine. It is the number-one Ukrainian university, and a major centre of advanced learning and progressive thinking.
General Information, University History
Physics department
The building of the Physics Faculty of the University (6, Glushkov Avenue) was constructed in 1967-1973 according to the plan of the architects V.Ye. Ladny, M.P. Budylovsky, and engineer V.Ya. Dryzo. One of the characteristic features of the building, which extends for 300 m, is a cantilever on the side of the building, which contains the lecture halls for the lectures.
Physics Department General Information
Andriyinsky Descent
The best way to get to the Andriyivsky descent, one of the most popular streets in Kiev, is from the Poshtova Ploshcha Metro. To reach the bluff where the descent begins, take the funicular (cable car) located at the bottom of the hill, just outside the subway. When you reach the top, walk straight to the square ahead of you. The building directly ahead of you contains the new BRAMA Contemporary Arts Center. From there, veer right down the steps to the square and cross over to Desyatinna Street, named for the Desyatinna Cerkva (Tithe Church) or Church of the Holy Virgin (989) that once stood at the end of this short street. At the end of the street, veer to the left to the middle of the block and wade through of street vendors and tourists up a flight of stairs and you'll find the outline of the church's foundation, which was reconstructed with red granite. Looking to the right past the site of Desyatinna Cerkva, you'll see the Historical Museum, located on he bluff. The museum's extensive consists of 8 sections dealing with different aspects of Ukraine's history. Behind the museum there is a path that provides a good view of Podil, Kiev's lower town from the highest point of old Kiev. 2,Volodymyrska Street. Tel.: 228-2924. Open daily 10 AM - 5 PM, except Wednesdays.
Askoldova Mohyla
Askoldova Mohyla (Askold's Grave), 1810-1935. Located in a picturesque park on the right bank of the Dnipro not too far from the World War II Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. According to ancient chronicles, in 882, the Novgorodian Prince Oleg murdered Kiev's Princes Askold and Dir on this hillside site. Shortly there after, Oleg seized Kiev. Askold is believed to be buried here. In 1810, a brick church- rotunda designed by architect Melensky was built here and, in 1935, a colonnade was added to protect it. Take the metro to Arsenalna Station and exit to your left until you reach Dneprovskii Uzviz, which slopes off to your left just past the Hotel Salyut. Follow the road down the incline and the rotunda will appear at the intersection on your left.
The Catholic Cathedral of Saint Nicholas
The Catholic Cathedral of Saint Nicholas was designed by S. Valovsky and built by the architect V. Horodetsky in 1899-1909.
It is easily recognized by its Gothic style and its pair of needle-like towers.
It was restored in 1980 and, today, is used both as a church and a concert hall.
Roman Catholic services are held every day at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Saturday and Wednesday, 8 a.m. - 9 a.m in Ukrainian. Sunday, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., 11- a.m. - 1- p.m. in Polish, 3 p.m. in Ukrainian.
77, Chervonoarmiyska Street. Tel: 269-5044
Golden Gate
A good place to start a tour of Kiev is at its hilly old town center, the Verkhny Gorod (Upper Town), also known as Old Kiev. Here you will find the few surviving monuments of Kiev's ancient past. The Zoloti Vorota or Golden Gate, 1017-1024, is located j ust outside the metro station of the same name. As you exit the northern entrance of the metro, you'll face the back side of the Golden Gate. Of the few remaining fortifications from the times of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (1019-54), the Golden Gate is the most remarkable. In 1983, the ruins of the Golden Gate, built as a defensive structure, were restored to their present condition. The same year, the Golden Gate Museum was opened. The ground floor contains exhibits relating to the history of old Kiev. T he halls display armaments used by the ancient Kievites and other excavations from the site of the Golden Gate. The balconies of the museum offer a panoramic view of Kiev.
Open from May through October. Hours: 10 am- 5 pm
40 A, Volodymyrska. Tel. 224-7068
European Square marks the beginning of Kiev central business district and most popular people watching street, the beautiful tree-lined boulevard, Khreshchatik. It is hard to believe that here there was once a valley, surrounded by a thick forest, with a brook across it. The valley's name was Khreshchata (Crossed) because of the many ravines that crossed it. Kievan princes liked to hunt here, now, tourists hunt here for souvenirs in it many stores.
Mariinsky Dvorets (Mariinsky Palace)
Mariinsky Dvorets (Mariinsky Palace), 1750-1755. Named in honor of Tsar Alexander II's wife, the Empress Maria. This beautiful blue- and cream-colored palace is similar in style to the imperial summer estates in St. Petersburg. This building was designed by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, Empress Elizabeth's favorite architect, and built under the direction of Moscow architect Ivan Michurin. It's a lovely mixture of Ukrainian and Russian Baroque. Before the 1917 Revolution, the palace was used as residence for visiting members of the imperial family. Today, the building is used for official state functions and is closed to the public. 5 Hrushevsky Street. Trolley bus #20 to Mariinsky Park and then walk past the Supreme Rada (Parliament) Building.
5 Hrushevsky Street.
Southeast of the main center of Kiev, spread over two large hills along the banks of the Dnieper, is the Kiev-Perchersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves). To reach the monastery, take the metro to Arsenalna Station (Red Line), exit and cross the street and take Trolley bus 20 two stops. 21 Sichnevoho Povstannya.
Tel., 290- 7349. Hours, 10 AM - 6 PM, closed Tuesday.
Pyrohovo Village
Pyrohovo Village (The Ukrainian Museum of Folk Architecture and Peasant Homes). This open air museum offers an exciting walk through history into Ukrainian homes, barns, mills, and wells typical of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. The majority of the, buildings are original and were moved here for restoration. Exhibits include traditional Ukrainian clothing, housewares, and ceramics. The most ancient of artifacts date to the 16th and 17th centuries. English speaking guides are available.It's a very pleasant way to spend an entire day. From metro station Lybidska catch Trolley bus # 4, 11, 11k, or 12 to Avtostantsia Pivdenna stop; then, catch Bus #24 to its last stop, Pirohova.
Open daily except Wednesday. Winter hours, 10 AM to 4 PM.
Tel., 266-2416; 266-5542; 266-5783.
St. Sophia's Cathedral
It's just a short walk to get to the Kiev's oldest surviving church, St. Sophia's Cathedral. Begin walking down the street directly across from the entrance to the Golden Gate, Zolotovoritska. Keep to the right at the end of this short street and you will come out onto Volodimirska Street. The entrance to St. Sophia's is just a few steps to your left through the Southern Gate Tower. Today, the complex of buildings and churches that make up St. Sophia's is a museum. In addition to the cathedral, exhibits include models of ancient Kievan-Rus towns. Tickets may be purchased at the kiosk inside on your right just before you reach the Cathedral.
Vydubetsky Monastery
Vydubetsky Monastery was founded by Prince Vsevolod, the son of Prince Yaroslav the Wise and father of Vladimir Monomakh, between 1070 and 1077. The monastery controlled the ferry across the Dnipro River. Many of the best scholars of Kievan- Rus lived and worked in the monastery. Among them, chroniclers Sylvester and Moisey, made a great contribution to writing "The Story of Bygone Days". Only a few churches of this monastery have survived over the centuries. One of these is the Church of Saint Michael. The Monastery acquired it's present appearance in the 18th century .when the five-domed Saint Yuri Cathedral, Refectory, and Bell Tower were erected in the Ukrainian-Baroque style. You will not be disappointed with your visit to this interesting site located next to the Central Botanical Gardens at 40 Vydubetska Street. Take Trolley bus # 21 or 31 from Kontractova Ploshcha or Bus # 3 from Metro Druzhby Narodiv and go to the Bulvar Druzhby Narodiv, near Patona Bridge, then make a short walk along Naddniprianske Shosse. The white walls of the Monastery will appear on your right.
40 Vydubetska Street.
Kyiv Photo Gallery
Kyiv is a really beatiful city with its marvellous hills and unique sightseeings. Having bunch of trees and flowers it is always associated with chestnuts. Kyiv architectural landscape is unique. Due to the huge number of orthodox churches it is called sometimes the Gold-Domed city.
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