Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems
May 23-26, 2008, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine

Topics of the Conference

  1. Thermodynamics, structure and intermolecular interaction in fluids
  2. Transport phenomena
  3. Phase transitions and critical phenomena
  4. Surface phenomena and fluids in confined geometry
  5. Water and water systems in normal and methastable state
  6. Solutions of low- and high-molecular substances. Their role in vital activity of human body
  7. Quantum Liquids. Ferrofluids
  8. Radiation physics of liquids

An Oral presentation is limited to 20 minutes. Illustrative materials should be presented on transparent films, slides, or in electronic format as PDF or MS PowerPoint multimedia presentation.

Field of a Poster presentation is up to 1 square meter.

Preliminary program

Preliminary program is available online.